The final task

1.  Can you see an improvement on your level of English in the past year/s?  Where, for example?
2. Which activity best shows your level of English?
3. Which activities were really USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why?
4. Which activities did you NOT find useful to learn English? Why not?
5. Which activities would like to do again next year to keep on improving your English?

1.- Yes, from the beginning till now I have some improvement on my english level thanks to my class on hish school and baccalaureate. For example, before, I usually don't memorize some english words for do an oral presentation, but in this year I did a great presentation with a classmate.

2.- I really like to sing songs in english, so I can show my best english language thanks to this acivity. And I can learn other new words and practice my pronunciation for my reading and speaking.

3.- When I am in class I prefer to do reading activities because I don't have to remember the answer of each question in the activity, so for me, doing reading it's one of my useful activities. Also I prefer to do some "My say" because it makes me write and think senteces with different words.

4.- For another side, I don't really like to do listenings activities, because it's really hard to me understand what are saying people and more when they talk very fast. But we need this exercise beacuse it trains our ear and to hear the different accents of people.

5.- I would like to do again to read a book and watch the film of each book, because someone can learn a lot of keywords and how is the prounciation of each word, so for me, watch a film with audio in english and subtitles in english too it's a good idea to learn more vocabulary.


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