My fears

Wich are my fears?

Since I was a kid, I only had one fear till now. And this is are clowns. I really hate them with their make up on the face and their wig, and I can't stand in front of them because they scare me so much and I have to run away or hit them if I can't scape from them, and it was because one day I was with my best friend in a festival in Venezuela and there were some clowns doing magical tricks, but we didn't passed near them because we didn't attracted us, but there were one clown that put in front of us behind a tent and start to hit my best friend very strong and without reason, I couldn't react looking my best friend agonizing and I started to shout as strongest I can, so other clowns heared me and came to us, but they understood that  my best friend and me were hiting the clown, so they began to shout me, and I couldn't do anything because I was very scared for have six or seven clowns cornering, shouting and hitting me with their macabre faces. So I just run away and I took my best friend and we ran on his home, and there were my grandmother (because she was the tutor of my best friend because his parents were died many years ago) watching a horror film of clowns and we started to cry together. So I told to my grandmother what happened before we cried and she was very impacted, so she turned off TV and calm us. So since this fact I didn't relacionated with a clown, and I never entered in a circus for look them. 


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