News in levels- Level 2

Coach crashes in Japan

Coach crashes in Japan - level 2
In Japan, a coach crashed. Fourteen people died and the crash injured another twenty-seven. The passengers were participants in a ski tour. The two drivers were among those killed.
The bus went on the wrong side of the road. It broke through a guardrail and moved metres down the mountainside.
We do not know what caused the crash. It was winter, but there was no snow or ice on the road. People are investigating the accident.

This piece of news is a good warning for the drivers of a vehicle because they are risking their lives and the life of the passenger, because there are a lot of accidents of traffic and some of them don't care about that.

David Bowie died

David Bowie died - level 2
David Bowie was a singer, songwriter and a producer. He was famous for his music as well as his eccentric style.His career spanned glam rock, art rock, soul, hard rock, dance, pop, punk and electronica. He released his 25th album, Blackstar, on January 8th, which was his birthday.On Monday, David Bowie died of cancer at the age of 69.
This piece of news is very interesting for people whose likes old music because David Bowie was an excellent singer and the majorist of his songs talks about the wars.He was contemporary with The Beatles and he workes with them wich some songs.


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