USA election special

Donald Trump:

    - Good things:  He believes in American exceptionalism, he’s committed to education, an he demands high performance. After all, he has been know to fire anyone that doesn’t meet his high standards. 
    - Bad things: People says that he is a racist man and a sexist. People knows it because there is a video showing him when he is humilliating Alicia Machado calling her Miss Piggy when she was the Miss Uneverse of 1996, this sign shows that he is not a polite man with other people, and maybe a bad president.

Hillary Clinton:

   - Good things: She has a lot of female points of view but she also respect the male points of view, so this strong point makes her a loved president for amrecian people. Also people wants her for president because she says she will change the "Climate change" trying to clean the pollution and use a clean energy.

  - Bad things:  People looks her like a "lier" because they expect she will only speak the good intentions that people wants to hear but at the end she has other intentions like Trump,


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