Central Intelligence: (Espía y medio) It's a story of a boy whose got bullying when he was a student, but 20 years later he becames a very important man for the society and the classmate of his generation. This film is perfect to watch with not many friends because you can say your opinion during the movie. At the years of 90 Robie Wheirdicht was a vicitm of bullying and he was showed naked by Trevor Olson while Calvin Joyne was rewarded for his excellent marks. 20 years later Calvin Joyne get married with Maggie Joyner, however, he is bored of his life for his routine and he misses his glorious days as a student. Robbie Wheirdicht returns to the city as Bob Stone for ask for help of a big problem with a secret agency without know they will meet again Trevor Olson. My favourite scene of this film is when Bob Stone is a married counselor and he is talking with Calvin Joyne and Maggie Joyner of theyr problems, but the joke is that Maggie didn't meet Bob...