My world

Video Games (My world III)

Since I was young to actually I enjoyed a lot of types of video games with my friends and my old brother, and this is part of my life because I enjoy wasting my free time playing with my friends and test a lot of nostalgic time when we played competitive video games when we was younger. Actually my favourite game and also some friends is "League Of Legends" because is a very estrategic game what you need to have a very sport attitude with people and a good comunication for make good plays in a game. But my favourite thing of this game is the relationship you can have with other players around the world in differents countries like: Portugal,French,Germany,Italy etc... And you can became a very good friends or a teammates with them meanwhile you don't know nothing about him/her. I recommend this game for people because is a very nice pastime where you can learn to have some experiences with poeple and learn some english because is the main language in all the game.


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