My life

My world I

My family and me was born in Venezuela, but we traveled to Spain for many reasons starting by the insecurity of my countrie and because my parents finded a good job in Spain, but my brother and my sister didn't like too much this because they separate of theyr best friends and I don't care it because I was very young for it, but my brother said what his friends they liked to play with me when I was a baby. When we arived to Spain, we don't get too much friends because people laugh of us for our accent and for our religion, for example my old brother get a beating and bullying like my old sister, when I started to study in a primary school, it was too dificult for don't be exclude by other students, but thanks to my old brother I started to get some friends and the time gived me more of this.
When I was younger I wanted to be a firefighter for assist people or animals when they were in a difficult situation because I always liked to help people and make them happy with my rescue, but for my circustances didn't let me make this awesome dream.


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