
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2017

Your say

The exercise for me  Since I was more younger I liked to do sports or exercise with my friends because is bored do it alone, but when I get older I didn't have got much time to spent to my health and fit, and my friends can do exercise and sports nearly everyday. My purpose on exercise for me is get healthy till I get more older, because I want to avoid diseases and aches when I  have to work hard. My favourite sport is beach volleyball because I remember it when I play this sport in Venezuela or in Colombia with my old best friends, but also we played this inside the sea and it is more dificult but it's more funny.


"Eating a Meditarranean diet 'cuts deadly breast cancer risk by 40%' in postmenopausal women". The study says that over 60.00 women aged between 55 years old and 69 years old can survive 20 years more. Also they have to do exercise constantly at the week and drink a lot of water. The researchers taked many factors to identify all possible contribuing factors that could effect the risk of breast cancer.  http://www.nhs.uk/news/2017/03March/Pages/Mediterranean-diet-linked-to-lower-risk-of-one-type-of-postmenopausal-breast-cancer.aspx

Global Issues


A TED talk on fashion

This videos shows the wrong use of animals to make diferent products and some of them are made very uncontrolled, so Andras Forgacs shows many ways to elaborate products without explode animals.

Personality Test

I'm agree with this result because I'm a very feel person to myself or other person, also I don't care to tell someone my emotion because I think people don't need how I feel, but I prefer to listen the emotion of theirself and I can perceive how they are.