
Mostrando entradas de 2015

The Gothic Novel

The Gothic Novel 1.- Who invented G.N.? The gothic novel was invented almost single-handedly by Horace Walpole. 2.- What was the first  G.N.? Was The Castle of Otranto  3.- When was it first published? In the 1764 4.- Wich bascics elements of horror didn't you include on your list? -An atmosphere of mystery and suspense -Omens, portents, visions -Women in distress -Supernatural or otherwise inexplicable events -An ancient prophecy

The scariest movie for me

This film is about a clown whose torture the people when they do bad things to other people and this clown force the people for harm yourself for only safe theyr life and he always say they will play a game but it isn't because for normal people is a torture but only 1 person safe his life beacause he doesn't matter about to suffer. This film have 7 chapters doing the same but greater and greater it is more scare because u don't know how will die the people. The best moment of this film is when some people dies when they try to safe yourself because they are really afraid and scared because they will die soon. The most horror characteristic is the blood, there are too much blood on the body of the people, but it have shouts,kills,panics,horror melodies and deep voice.

Intelligence test

I agree with my intelligence test because I really like music and I'm a good music player and it is my strongest characteristic and I agree too with my weakest point with numbers, I like maths but I don't remember it. I like soprt too because I know what my body needs. I don't agree with my picture smart because I am really bad painting and it doesn't matter me. I agree too with my word and nature smart because I don't pay too much attention on these subjects but I agree with my interpersonal and intrapersonal because I'm a social person and I don't have fear about talk with a stranger person.

My hero, in my family.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  My hero, my brother My old brother Adrian makes me inspire to have a better personality like to be positive at the bad moments and handle it with happiness. He is my hero too because from when i was little i was learning by him and also i raise with him when both was young. But the most characteristic of h...

My bucket list

1.- I want to see again the people what i can't see again. 2.- I want to give a heartfelt surprise to someone whose i love. 3.- I want to forgive and be forgived to people whose i can't see right now. 4.- I want to do a volunteer work. 5.- I want to go snorkeling and experience marine life up close. 6.- I want to play sax to a big audience. 7.-  I  want  to  meet  all  people   8.- I  want  to  laugh  all  people     9.- I  want  to be in   the  best  team  of  League  Of  Legends   10.-  I  want  to  have  all  things  for be  happy